As I was just now browsing thru my brand-new copy of Fedora News Updates #13 at I looked straight for the topic which is at the moment the dearest one to me - FC2 & Win dual-boot - and I indeed found something meaty. However a few clarifications need be done: - my name is mentioned with a link to a dual-boot guide I wrote. Let it be known that not a single response was posted to it, and AFAIK the complete procedure is yet untested. - there's also a link to a very thorough document posted by Jack Aboutboul, described as " written by an anonymous author". I would add that the first [failed] attempt to present this document was made by Jeff Spaleta here - and what's really important (sad ?) about this latter posting is what Jeff says, _ . . . we broadcast a version of this widely . . . _ Well, if we consider as being Fedora's official _broadcasting station_ then we might consider that Jeff's proposal was fulfilled. However . . . I suppose that most Fedora newbies's starting point is Fedora's _real_ web site at ; these folks will not get acquainted with until later on, when they start researching lists and docs for specific purposes. That being the case, this important broadcast won't reach its main audience until too late - when the damage-which-is-no-real-damage-yet-but-is-about-to has already been done. Let's see now . . . I'm a newbie and go to