hi all, i'm running fedora core one and have security concerns. my plan: 1.) keep fedora up to date. does this entail downloading fedora core 2? or can i just do it with the update gizmo? 2.) figure out how to use my s.m.c. router. i may turn to this list for help with that :) 3.) read, read, read about security. any suggestions on where to start? i prefer books over links, fwiw. i say this because a few days ago startx froze up, when it never had before. i've re-installed, and that was a PITA. not sure what the problem was, but security's now a concern ;) (uhhh, hope the above wasn't taken as an invite by any crackers out there!) thanks, javac@xxxxxxxx -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm