Doubly sad to find people driven to simple abuse and aggressive tirades. What really surprises me about all this is that so many people seem to be developing SIS/SSS* as if it is some kind of contagion spread by FC2 installs. And we're not talking about newbies here (although a newbie who gets lippy deserves a slap, perhaps). What's an allegedly experienced sysadmin doing running FC2 for business critical apps anyway? If he worked in my place I'd suggest a change of occupation. How many hundred warnings and statements of purpose does it take to drive home the message that this is an experimental release? If you want stability, try another distro - surely that's not too hard to understand. What ever happened to piloting, prototyping and testing? And for heaven's sake RTFM.
So thanks to the mailing list correspondents who teach me stuff and add to my appreciation of Linux in general and Fedora in particular. A pox on the others.
Peter Silcock
* That's Sudden Illiteracy Syndrome and Sudden Stupidity Syndrome.