On Wed, 2004-06-09 at 22:48, Steve Pyatt wrote:
I'm running FC2 and have my swap setup on a separate drive. It was formatted as a swap and everything looks good in /etc/fstab. However every time I reboot I have to run a mkswap and swapon against it. Is there any thoughts on this? Or is there anyway I can get that done on
My fstab has this for swap. Is yours the same?
/dev/hda3 swap swap defaults
0 0
Except mine is hda1
I have had swap partitions fail mount on (rare occasions) boot because of hard shutdowns. Could something be corrupting the swap partition on shutdown?
I'm late to this thread so I hope I'm not spewing nonsense. I have a similar problem with LinuxPPC on my Mac clone. Turns out I forgot to set the partition id to Linux swap (82?). I'm afraid to try to set it now because I don't want to mess up my Mac partitions. So I have to run mkswap and swapon when I boot into LinuxPPC.
Andrew Robinson