First: A great big thanks to the regular contributor on this list who go out of their way to help others. Without you the list would have no value. Second: Unfortunately the signal to noise ratio of this list is getting to be unmanageable. Several hundred replies to a post going on and on about open source/binary drivers is just not the way to go. And that is just one example of this type of bandwitdh waste. Third: To those of you who champion linux keep up to the good work. Fourth: To those of you who zealously espouse "Open Source or death" get a grip, we do not live in a black & white world. Maybe as you experience more real world operational situations you'll realize that there is a lot of grey out there. I have gotten some good advice/expertise from a few dozen posts over the last 6 months, but the 5000 emails/month is just too much to handle. So long and thanks for all the fish. -- Luc Bouchard Nepean, ON luc@xxxxxxxxxxx