Does FC1 have multiprocessor capability using Intel?
How many processors can it support?
At least two, but I think I recall four. Someone else will doubtless know better.
Does FC1 have clustering software?
See the Linux High-Availability Project [1] and the Beowulf clustering capability [2] for at least two examples of software you could use.
[1] [2]
How many servers can it support?
The question is not clear. Generally speaking, FC can support as many server processes and as many client connections as your hardware will handle. You are much more likely to see bottlenecks in disk input/output, in RAM usage, in network speed, etc.
What is the max ram a single FC1 server support?
I don't recall exactly but I think the standard kernel goes up to either 4GB or 8GB; the bigmem kernel does more. (And an FC server on the AMD x86_64 architecture can do even more.)
Hopefully these answers are correct and address what you were looking for. Others can surely provide more answers, or perhaps corrections to mistakes.
-- Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx