just saw this.. ------------------------ [craig@craig]# ps -aux Warning: bad syntax, perhaps a bogus '-'? See http://procps.sf.net/faq.html USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND root 1 0.2 0.0 2116 464 ? S 01:33 0:05 init [5] etc etc... ------------------------ I've used -aux with ps ever since I started to learn about linux (about 9 years ago with slackware) I *have* noticed that it doesn't work too well when I go visit a client of mine that has an old sparc running solaris though.. so what gives? never seen this error in previous versions of RH.. am running FC2 on this machine now so is it a new thing with FC2? just curious.. always figured the "-" for "options" was a perfectly good way to handle things and seems to still be the de-facto on most commands.. so why is "ps" so different? Craig -- Craig Tinson 8010 Media Ltd \|||/ (o o) ----------------------------------ooO-(_)-Ooo----------------------------- _ _ /: Thbbft. | Craig Tinson | "The most overlooked \'o.O; _/ | 8010 Media Ltd | advantage of owning a =(___)= | Email: craig@xxxxxxxxxx | computer is that if |U| | Tel: 0113 249 7027 | they foul up there's | Mob: 0788 061 3892 | no law against whacking | MSN: cgtinson@xxxxxxxxxxx | them around a bit." --------------------------------------------------------------------------