anyone here figured out which are the critical packages and which can be removed without causing any issues, ie. some fedora scripts might need them for some reason?
I noticed thie minimal install wasn't very minimal too. I removed a lot of those packages after installation without any problem. Unfortunately, I didn't keep a list. I can probably send you a list of the packages I kept though if that'd help.
I used the python script referenced here to determine which packages don't have any dependencies..
Then I removed the following packages..
rpm -e ash bc dos2unix ed eject finger ftp isdn4k-utils lha lrzsz mkbootdisk mtr nano nc procmail rdate rdist rsh talk tcpdump tcsh telnet traceroute unix2dos
I also replaced sendmail with postfix. The one remaining package that I'm not sure about is setarch. I'll look into that this weekend to see if I absolutely need it. I don't know if this is of any help but while I was at it, I also figured that I should disable some of the services that are enabled by default..
chkconfig --level 0123456 {gpm, irda, netdump, nfslock, pcmcia, portmap, rhnsd, rpcgssd, rpcidmapd, rpcsvcgssd} off