Hi I recently changed my /etc/inittab file so that pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del shuts down my Fedora Core 1 machine, rather than rebooting it. At the same time I thought I would increase the -t parameter from 3 to 10. I then tested the new configuration, and while the machine does shut down instead of rebooting, I am not sure that the -t parameter is having any effect. Almost immediately after pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del I see this message: INIT: Sending processes the TERM signal Various processes are then shut down. After a few seconds I see this message: Sending all processes the TERM signal... About 5 seconds after this, I see: Sending all processes the KILL signal... Regardless of the value I use following -t, there always seems to be a 5-second delay between the TERM and KILL lines. >From the man page for shutdown it seems to me that the -t value is supposed to control the delay between the TERM signals being sent (as a "warning"), and the KILL signals being sent. Yet it doesn't seem to have any effect. Is my understanding of the -t parameter incorrect? Is this the expected behaviour, or some kind of weird bug? Thanks Rich