I recommended to Michael Mansour: > You can also use > cd /data01 > for i in * ; do du -sk "$i" "/data02/$i" ; done | more Michael replied: > Ok, I've tried this and the following is the result: > > [root@server data01]# for i in * ; do du -sk "$i" > "/data02/$i" ; done |more > 4 lost+found > 12 /data02/lost+found > 79596252 Software > 123557857 /data02/Software > > Which seems to again confirm that the directories are > exact copies of one another (which is what rsync is > meant to do), but again with much different sizes. Well, in that case, you could always try cd /data01/Software for i in * ; do du -sk "$i" "/data02/Software/$i" ; done | more to see which of the directories inside Software have increased in size. Then you can try similar drill-downs. This will show you, basically, whether it's only part of the contents which have increased requirements (in which case, you look more closely at that data), or whether the storage requirements for everything has increased (in which case, there's probably something odd about one or other filesystem). James. -- E-mail address: james@ | Today Has Been Two Of Those Days. westexe.demon.co.uk | -- Mike Andrews