Hi all. I have downloaded the DVD image of Fedora Core 2. Now, for Fedora Core 1 I was able to download all of the CD images and put them in a folder, use the boot.iso image in the /Images/ folder to access it and install from the hard disk. However, I tried doing this with the FC2 DVD and it doesn't like me any more. Was my download wasted and must I now download the CD isos and install again, or is there another way? I do have a CD burner but not a DVD burner. The reason I downloaded the DVD iso is that I don't like the hassle of disk changing and all that malarkey. If I extract the ISO to a folder would it be able to install from that, perchance? Lawrence -- ___________________________________________________________ Sign-up for Ads Free at Mail.com http://promo.mail.com/adsfreejump.htm