When installing FC2 the bootup process (i.e. boot from CD) hangs and I get: RAMDISK: ... crc error VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown block (72,3) Please append a correct "root=" boot option Kernel panic: .... Btw I get a similar error message when trying to run SuSE's LiveCD 9.1. There I get: RAMDISK: compressed image found at block 0 RAMDISK: incomplete write (-28 != 32768) 65536000 crc error VFS: Cannot open root device "<NULL>" or unknown block (8,5) Please append a correct "root=" boot option Kernel panic: .... The install media is okay (I get it with the 1st CD as well as with the rescue CD), so is the memory (memtest86 does not find any errors). RH 9.0 / SuSE 8.1 install runs without problems, so it looks like a problem with the 2.6.x kernel or something like it. Any ideas what to do? (Apart from keeping 2.4.x kernel based systems) Thanx in advance for your ideas and suggestions. P.S.: Hardware is an Athlon XP 2000 with an ASRock KT7V2 (VIA KT266A) with 512 MB of RAM. _______________________________________________________________________ Moechten Sie Ihre SMS noch ausdrucksstaerker und emotionaler gestalten? Fuegen Sie einfach ein Bild hinzu! http://freemail.web.de/?mc=021194