James Wilkinson wrote:
Michael Mansour wrote:
I have an issue which I can't seem to figure out.
I bought a 250Gb Maxtor Maxline Plus ATA133 drive,
plugged it into a server, formatted it using:
# e2fsck -m 0 -j -b 1024 /dev/hdc1
formatted using e2fsck??
Do you perchance mean mke2fs?
I made the partition a Linux partition id 82.
Type 82 is linux swap space, not filesystem space.
After format, 241Gb free space is recognised.
This seems reasonable
I have 80Gb of data on another drive in the system
that I wish to backup onto this drive. So after
rsyncing the drives contents from the 79Gb (which is
on a stripe) to the maxtor 250Gb drive, the following
is the result:
/dev/md6 85419328 79573952 1506236
99% /data01
/dev/hdc1 241201359 123508888 117692471
52% /data02
123Gb used??? this is what is confusing me, why?
I thought maybe the rsync was following symlinks
(which I'm sure there are none), but by default the
What about hard links? Try
find /data01 -type f -links +1 -ls | sort
to see if there are any.