I found a hint somewhere (and bookmarked it) to the effect that there's a version of Fedora for Apple machines. I'd like a little background before I pursue it. My wife has an Apple G3 iBook, which currently has Yellow Dog 3.0 and OSX, and which I play troubleshooter for. We both detest the Apple interface, and have only ever used it for a dialup connection at her mother's. (The ISP there supports Apple but not linux, and I last time I tried, I couldn't manage to hack a linux connection even when I had the OSX one up and running.) I tried, most of a year ago, to upgrade the iBook with yum to 3.0.1, and got caught behind a learning curve steeper than I had time, moving into a then new house, to traverse. I've thought of getting 3.0.1, or whatever may be out by now, on CDs, and just doing a fresh install. But maybe I don't need to. Surely someone here has experience, or knows where to look: if I install Fedora instead (FC1 -- I'm far too sub-technoid to tackle FC2 till FC3 comes out) is it a straightforward install? Do I have to get special CDs? (I have the ones from both Petreley's and Ball&Duff's books, plus the DVD from B&D -- dunno if the apple (bought summer 2003 from terrasoft) can read DVDs, though.) Does it matter whether I try to preserve either current OS? I'd actually prefer to wipe OSX, and take my chances with the ISP in the Great Smokies again. -- Beartooth Implacable, curmudgeonly codger learning linux