I ran into a small problem trying to install FC2 on an ancient machine (it was surplused out by the Romans when they left Britain...). FC2 doesn't come with floppy images for installing, and the BIOS on this thing won't boot to CD-ROM, only hard drive or floppy. I tried faking it out by booting from a mess-dos partition with loadlin, but loadlin didn't like the kernel; something about the compression type. However, I did find an elegant little workaround: install Smart Boot Manager on a floppy. It booted the CD-ROM nicely. http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/ Enjoy! Could future releases include, or refer to, Smart Boot Manager for this purpose? -- Charles Curley /"\ ASCII Ribbon Campaign Looking for fine software \ / Respect for open standards and/or writing? X No HTML/RTF in email http://www.charlescurley.com / \ No M$ Word docs in email Key fingerprint = CE5C 6645 A45A 64E4 94C0 809C FFF6 4C48 4ECD DFDB
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