rada and gus wrote:
I have a presario 2800 laptop which I have used RH 7.3, 8.0, and currently 9. I have been using the free linuxant drivers up till now. I installed FC1 on a second partition, but I can't get the modem fully functional since the linuxant modem drivers are no longer free (except for the 14K kbps version). I saw this on this lists' archives:Try the linmodem mailing list.
IMO: Yes! There are already modules for CF1 at
and I downloaded and installed what seemed like the correct rpms based on my kernel no., but still can't get the modem to work. I would prefer for various reasons not to have to pay for the linuxant driver.
I have looked in dag.wieers website, googled and searched the archives of this list, but can't figure out how to configure the hsf modules. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks, Gus.
www.linmodem.org, and some of their tools are at http://linmodems.technion.ac.il with scanmodem located at http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/packages/scanModem.gz
Check it out, They have many of the linmodems working under both FC1 and even FC2 now.