Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Am Sa, den 22.05.2004 schrieb Håkan Larsson um 16:53:
[root@wl-mobil root]# ls -l /mnt/cdrom
totalt 0
?--------- ? ? ? ? ? Analyzer
?--------- ? ? ? ? ? cloud-charge.pdf
?--------- ? ? ? ? ? Dsp
?--------- ? ? ? ? ? light-det.pdf
[root@wl-mobil root]#
Analyser and Dsp is directories. The two others is just files ;-)
The disc use udf format. This worked ok in FC1 but not in FC2?
A CD-R disc is mounted ok.
Regardes Hakan
Different locale setting on FC2 than FC1?
man mount --> Mount options for udf:
utf8 and iocharset
Hmm.. If I
"mount -o utfs8 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom" or
"mount -o iocharset=8 /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom" or
"mount /dev/cdrom/"
The result is just the same :-(