Just dopwnloaded FC2, and I am getting weird MD5 sums for my ISO files....
I am downloading and summing on Windows, but that shouldnt be an issue I guess...it seems the sums are out of order - eg: instead of matching the Disc 1 MD5 with the quoted MD5 sum for disk 1, it matches the quoted MD5 for disk 2
Is anyone aware of any changes/mixups in the md5sum file???
PS new to this list, so if this has been discussed previously, my apologies....
Ray Cauchi
Manager/Lead Developer
( T W E E K ! )
PO Box 468 Katoomba NSW Australia 2780
p: +61 2 4757 1600
f: +61 2 4757 3808
m: 0414 270 400
e: ray@xxxxxxxxxxxx
w: www.tweek.com.au