Could you please explain what I am doing with ecn_check... Interestingly, I used wget with this (correcting to and it worked, but I can't see it through the web.
Second Question: Is there a particular reason this is not packaged with fedora if it is of help???
-Lane Inman Ph. D. Candidate Systems Science - ETM Portland State University
Jack Bowling wrote:
On Fri, May 21, 2004 at 08:05:33PM +0200, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Am Fr, den 21.05.2004 schrieb Lane Inman um 19:33:
I have read this thread and am having similar problems;
I however am connecting directly to a hub which is connected to DSL; and I have a fedora core 1 machine on the same network which is working fine. Additionally, I can ssh, scp and amule with no problems it just seems like the web.
Lane Inman
You can't reach any website or just failing some certain addresses?
You did try to deactivate ECN without success?
Ecncheck is a useful tool for this purpose: