i had an other vi problem and tried installing vim-common.
Now my curserkeys work and pressing "i" says -insert- at the bottom.
WipeOut schrieb:
This may be a really stupid question but here goes..
When using VI in FC2 it does not show the mode in the bottom of the
screen.. I mean when opening a file to edit you then hit insert and your
should see "INSERT" on the bottom of the screen, hit insert again and
you should see "REPLACE" on the bottom of the screen.. I don't see these..
Also it would appear that the backspace key doesn't actually delete
Am I just loosing my mind? has VI changed? or is there something wrong
with it?
Götz Reinicke
IT Koordinator - IT OfficeNet
Tel. +49 (0) 7141 - 969 420
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Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Mathildenstr. 20
71638 Ludwigsburg