I just installed FC2 and as usual, I'm having problems with gnome. By default, Nautilus wasn't in browser mode, i.e. you couldn't go back/forward, etc, so I corrected that from gconf-editor. It changed nautilus, but then I poked around in gconf-editor, and though I didn't think I changed anything, mozilla started to behave badly. I have mozilla configured to start every new instance with the home page, wich I have set to google. I also have a keyboard shortcut configured from Start-Here -> Preferences -> KbdShortcuts to start mozilla. It used to work as expected before I messed up with gconf. Now, it still starts mozilla, but it begins with a blank page. When I start mozilla at the prompt, it starts up with google, as I want it to. I did a ps in both cases. From the keyboard, it is started as /usr/lib/mozilla-1.6/mozilla-bin about:blank whereas at the prompt, it's started as /usr/lib/mozilla-1.6/mozilla-bin i.e. without the about:blank I don't suppose gnome has a mind of its own, so there must be some obscure config file that starts mozilla with about:blank. Does anybody have any idea where to look for that? I did a grep in /etc and in ~ but it didn't return anything. Oh, and I created a brand new user and the same happens, so it must be a global config file. I don't understand how as simple user I could mess up a global config file. Thanks! P.S. This is a re-post of a message I posted originally to comp.os.linux.misc. I was hoping I would get an answer in a regular newsgroup, which I prefer to a mailing list. Yes, I did try gmane, I confirmed my existence and I got back an ok message, but my post hasn't gone through. It may work, but if it takes weeks to post, I might as well subscribe to the list.