My solution to this problem is to make a separate /lnxdata partition on which I keep everything except config information which goes in /home. Then I let there be a separate /home within the / partition of each install and just use the /lnxdata to do all data sharing. If you want to share something that is in your old /home in the new one, just mount the old / partition and make a link in your new /home to whatever it is in your old /home. For example, I link to the evolution folder in my FC1 /home to use the same one in my FC2 /home. Then I never need to worry about incompatible configs, and the /lnxdata partition carries on from install to install with all my persistent data.Gerry Tool wrote:
What about issues with ~/ config files if you want to share /home between FC1 and FC2? Will there be problems?Dave wrote:
When it comes time to set up grub during the install, one option is to put the FC2 grub boot record on the boot sector of your new root sector, leaving the current master boot record as is.
Then, you can boot to FC1, mount the partition that FC2 is on and integrate the boot information from the FC2 /etc/grub.conf into the FC1 /etc/grub.conf in a text editor. No need to run anything. The next time you boot, the FC2 choice should be in the grub menu.
I am looking at putting FC2 on a partition but use the same /home directories until I have FC2 fully configured. My wife would kill me otherwise. :)
Another benefit is that the baggage from old configs doesn't get in the way of changed configuration file formats in the new install.
Hope this is useful.
Gerry Tool