On Thu, 2004-05-20 at 02:09, Rolf Brusletto wrote: > Hey all - my mail has been down since fedora core 2 came out, so I don't > know if this has been asked or not. using `apt-get source postfix` for > instance tells me there are no packages available. This didn't occur > with FC1. I'm rather new to apt, are the source repositories built out yet? Hrm, indeed fedora.us (and mirrors) have an unpopulated SRPMS.os :( Dunno if that's simply due to lack of time, disk space shortage or something else. Hopefully that'll get sorted out but in the meanwhile freshrpms.net has a populated source repository for FC2: rpm-src http://ayo.freshrpms.net/fedora/linux 2/i386 os - Panu -