where to point my up2date after I upgrader from FC1 to FC2
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This is how my source file for up2date
look like after upgrade from FC1 to FC2 (i upgraded using CDs)
soo I guess the line: yum fedora-core-1
Should be something else now,,, but
what ???
[root@allmine root]# cat /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources
### this describes the various package
repos up2date will look into
### for packages. It currently supports
apt-rpm repos, yum repos,
### and "dir" repos
### format is one repo entry per line,
# starts comments, the
### first word on each line is the type
of repo.
### the defalt rhn (using "default"
as the url means
### use the one in the up2date config
#up2date default
### When a channel-label is required
for the non up2date repo's,
### the label is soley used as an internal
identifier and is not
### based on the url or any other info
from the repo.
### an apt style repo, this time arjanv's
2.6 kernel repo
### format is:
### type channel-label
service:server path
repo name
#apt arjan-2.6-kernel-i386 http://people.redhat.com
~arjanv/2.5/ kernel
### Note that for apt repos, there can
be multiple repo names specificed
### space seperated.
### an yum style repo
### format:
### type channel-label
yum fedora-core-1 http://fedora.redhat.com/releases/fedora-core-1
yum updates-released ftp://ftp.chl.chalmers.se/pub/fedora/linux/core/updates/2/i386/
### an local directory full of packages
### format
#dir my-favorite-rpms-i386-9 /var/spool/RPMS/
# multiple versions of all repos except
"up2date" can be used. Depenencies
# can be resolved "cross-repo"
if need be.
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