In response to James Kosin's and Dexter Ang's suggestions of additional lists... NO! All that creating a new list will do is fracture the support community. Quite frankly, it's hard enough keeping up with the traffic on this list. Many of us have stated this numerous times before and the rest of us have groaned in recognition whenever we have read it. A new FC2 list would force many fedora-list denizens to choose where they can most constructively make use of their time. This would not be good for the fedora community. Fedora-list was created as THE support venue for all fedora core stable releases. According to the faq, support is expected to exist for any given version x until half way through the support cycle for verson x+2. So EOL on FC1 isn't expected until halfway through the support cycle for FC3. It was expected that there would be discussions in this list covering multiple current releases. It was just left to us to figure out how to implement that in a way that will allow us all to retain our (relative) [in]sanity. ;-) Eric Diamond eDiamond Networking & Security eric <at> ediamond [dot] net