On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 10:32:27AM -0400, Jay Daniels wrote: > > What was the verdict on using a single Linux box with X on DSL or > Cable? > > Does the redhat-config-securitylevel tool block ports X uses? > > Is there an X Windowing system that doesn't uses ports? Not really. X-Windows uses networking. However X is happy to use only the 127.0.0 localhost (loopback) network and does not need to connect to or accept connections from networks to the outside world. To rephrase the question starting with the original. Q1: Is there an X Windowing system that doesn't uses ports A1: No (bad question... for a yes no) Q2: Does the X Windowing system need to connect to the outside world. A2: No (all external ports can be blocked) perhaps a positive answer Q+A, Q3: Is there an X Windowing system that does not use external networking. A3: Yes (X is happy to use only loopback (internal) networking.) A personal workstation does not need to accept or interact with any external network connections it does not initiate. In such a configuration it can be very secure. Most of us with friends or multiple systems open up one port for secure shell interactions (ssh on port 22). Of those some enable X forwarding tunneled via the secure socket layer. -- T o m M i t c h e l l /dev/null the ultimate in secure storage.