From: Chief Darl McBride <lunatic@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.advocacy Subject: lETS iNVADE cANADA! Date: 8 May 2004 05:27:03 GMT Message-ID: <2g39d7F40tblU1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> tODAY THE EVIL canadians HAVE ATTACKED THE GREAT AMERTICAN CONSTITUION cOPYWRITE LAW BY SELLING sco STOCK. iT IS TIME FOR OUR PRESIDENT bUSH TO INVADE THAT tERRORIST COUNTRY. eVERYONE KNOWS THAT THE evil cANADAIANS ARE SELLING PRESCRIPTION DRUGS FOR LOWER COSTS TO aMERICANS. tHESE DASTARDLY ACTS BY THE evil cANDAIANS CUTS INTO THE PROFITS OF FARMACUTCETIAL COMPANIES. now the evil bank of canada IS TRYING TO destroy sco STOCK BY SELLING TIN THOUSAND SHARES OF IT. i'M SO MAD i KAN'T SEE STRAIGHT. you ugly canadians are going to pay for destroying the american economy!!!!!!!!! when the US government captures the tellers of that evil canadian bank THEY are going to let the MILITARY MP"s take care you of you the same way we took care of the terrorists at Abu Ghurayb Prison. Let us know what it is like to be led around a prison necked with a dog collar around your throat! tHOSE HOW LAFF FIRST LAFF WORST! -- Best Regards, Keith NW Oregon Radio Pax melior est quam iustissimum bellum.