All this talk about BT has me hungering to make it work here. Unforch, this machine is behind another machine running iptables bolted down solidly, as in I could give you my ip address as seen from the network side, and the only thing you'd find there is a closed identd port, everything else doesn't respond. iptables is doing NAT, MASQUERADING and a couple more things I've probably forgotten.
I have the white DSL modem verizon uses, which is on the LAN port of a linksys BEFSR41 router, regular port 1 of which feeds ethernet card eth0 in the fireall, and the firewall feeds this machine thru eth1. No other cable are plugged into the router at present, although I might have a cable to the workshop computer plugged in there eventually. Schematicly it looks like this:
DSL modem<->LAN port on router<->switch port 1 on router<->eth0 in firewall<->iptables<->eth1 in firewall<->eth0 on this machine
I have opened a port range in iptables that BT uses (I think, here is that line from /etc/sysconfig/iptables on the firewall)
[0:0] -A INPUT -p tcp -m state --state NEW -m tcp --dport 6881:6889 -j ACCEPT
How would I go about running BT under these conditions?
I have almost this same setup ('cept I don't have a hardware router...a RH7.3 box acts as my firewall/router). I had to not only put the route in the iptables of the RH box, but had to login to the Westel (the white modem I got from Verizon), and make a route in there too.
-- John C. Nichel 716.856.9675 john@xxxxxxxxxxxx