On Fri, May 07, 2004 at 09:01:54AM +0200, Martijn Moret wrote: > Why not stick woth solaris 9 it's a great OS (free to download) Yeah, but the licence is not free, unless you've bought the machine from Sun or an authorised dealer: <quote> You can use the software for non-commercial usage on single processor systems supplied to you by Sun or its authorized distributors or based on the x86 architecture. </quote> (see http://wwws.sun.com/software/solaris/binaries/index.html ) Of course, one can always choose to run Solaris illegally without a licence. Cheerio, Thomas -- ===> Netiquette - read it, use it: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1855.html <=== ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thomas Ribbrock http://www.ribbrock.org "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"