Hi, After a few weeks of "testing" (that is using a temporary build and attending to other things) I finally got to releasing a new Speedtouch RPM for use with Red Hat Linux and Fedora Core. The speedtouch-1.2 branch finally got out of beta! This latest RPM is based on the final 1.2 code and should work with all versions of the Speedtouch modem. For Fedora Core you probably just want to use the kernel mode driver, but you can use modem_run from this rpm to upload the firmware. Note that with the latest modem_run you have to upload both parts of the firmware, using either the -a and -f switch, or by concatenating the two parts together and feeding them to modem_run via the -f switch. The (S)RPM can be found at http://www.ottolander.nl/opensource/speedtouch/speedtouch.html . Also available is a tarball for the users of *BSD. Leonard. -- mount -t life -o ro /dev/dna /genetic/research