The testing I started yesterday afternoon completed, and I'm sorry to say the result is a failure. Although parted created a 2TB partition as verified by fdisk, only 1TB is useable. I wrote 1001 files of just slightly under 1G each when the script failed for out of disk space. The script simply used the cp command to copy a single master file to FILE.XXXX where XXXX is an increasing number. I tried googling for disk space limits, but got too many bogus hits to be of value. Does anyone know what the "official" disk space limits are? Does anyone know what I need to do to get a single partition of greater than 1TB? I have a test platform with 2TB of physical disk if someone can point me in the right direction to recompile whatever. Martin: If you have a 2TB partition, have you tested it for availability beyond 1TB? -- Bill Gradwohl YCC (817) 224-9400 x211 SPAMstomper Protected E-mail