Grub loading stage 2 Grub loading stage 2 Grub loading stage 2 Grub loading stage 2 Grub loading stage 2 infinitum...
Bugzilla yielded 55168 and 53677 -- are these probable matches with my symptoms? Should I just have opened a bug in the first place?
Interesting comment: "'Great'. another broken bios... guess I'll be implementing a --disable-lba32 flag for grub soon"
- is there a list of said broken BIOSs? Stupid question ahead -- I thought linux didn't rely on BIOS stuff for disk geometry? Does Grub?
I'd love to try lilo instead of Grub in the hopes that it might just work, but I don't think the installer offers me that option. Does it?
While I'm posting, a way-way-way-undertrumpeted feature is the VNC-able install. I found this browsing through the release notes, but if you ask me, it warrants a front-page listing. This should be noted as an option at one of the F<n> screens on install disk bootload, IMO.