I am try to setup a ks.cfg and every time I run an install with my ks.cfg apmd, finger, hotplug, irda-utils, isdn4k-utils, jwhois, kernel-pcmcia-cs, make, ppp, procmail, rp-pppoe, sendmail, stunnel, talk, usbutils, wireless-tools, wvdial all keep getting installed. Not sure if its me or KS. --Start ks.cfg---- # Kickstart file. #System language lang en_US.UTF-8 langsupport --default en_US.UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 #System keyboard keyboard us #System mouse mouse --emulthree msintellips/2 #Sytem timezone timezone America/New_York #Reboot after installation reboot #Use text mode install #text #Install Red Hat Linux instead of upgrade install #Use Web installation url --url #System bootloader configuration bootloader --location=mbr --append rhgb #System authorization infomation auth --useshadow --enablecache #Network information network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 #Firewall configuration firewall --enabled --ssh #XWindows configuration information xconfig --depth=8 --resolution=640x480 --defaultdesktop=GNOME part / --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda1 part swap --onpart sda2 part swap --onpart sda3 part /tmp --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda5 part /var --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda6 part /var/log --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda7 part /usr --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda8 part /home --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda9 part /local --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda10 part /local2 --fstype reiserfs --onpart sda11 #Package install information %packages --ignoredeps acl acpid anacron ash aspell aspell-en at atk attr audiofile authconfig autofs basesystem bash bc beecrypt bind-utils bzip2 bzip2-libs chkconfig chkfontpath coreutils cpio cpp cracklib cracklib-dicts crontabs ctags cyrus-sasl cyrus-sasl-md5 cyrus-sasl-plain db4 desktop-file-utils dev devlabel dhclient diffutils dos2unix dosfstools dump e2fsprogs ed eject elfutils elfutils-libelf esound ethtool expat fam fbset fedora-logos fedora-release file filesystem findutils fontconfig freetype FreeWnn-libs ftp gawk GConf2 gdbm gdk-pixbuf gettext glib glib2 glibc glibc-common Glide3 gmp gnome-mime-data gnome-python2 gnome-python2-bonobo gnome-python2-canvas gnome-vfs2 gnupg gpm grep groff grub gtk+ gtk2 gzip hdparm hesiod hwdata indexhtml info initscripts iproute iptables iputils jfsutils joe kbd kernel kernel-smp kernel-utils krb5-libs krbafs kudzu less lftp lha libacl libart_lgpl libattr libbonobo libbonoboui libcap libgcc libgcj libglade2 libgnome libgnomecanvas libgnomeui libIDL libjpeg libpcap libpng libstdc++ libtermcap libtiff libuser libwnck libwvstreams libxml libxml2 libxml2-python libxslt linc lockdev logrotate logwatch losetup lrzsz lsof lvm lynx mailcap mailx MAKEDEV man man-pages mdadm mgetty mingetty minicom mkbootdisk mkinitrd mktemp modutils mount mtools mtr mt-st nano ncftp ncurses netconfig net-snmp net-tools newt nfs-utils nmap nscd nss_ldap ntp ntsysv openldap openmotif openssh openssh-clients openssh-server openssl ORBit2 pam pam_krb5 pam_smb pango parted passwd patchutils pax pciutils pcre perl perl-Filter pinfo popt portmap postgresql-libs prelink procinfo procps psmisc pygtk2 pygtk2-libglade pyOpenSSL pyorbit python python-optik pyxf86config quota raidtools rdate rdist readline redhat-config-date redhat-config-mouse redhat-config-network redhat-config-network-tui redhat-config-proc redhat-config-securitylevel-tui redhat-config-services redhat-menus reiserfs-utils rhnlib rhpl rmt rootfiles rpm rpm-python rsh rsync run schedutils screen sed setarch setserial setup setuptool shadow-utils slang slocate specspo star startup-notification statserial sudo switchdesk symlinks sysklogd syslinux sysstat SysVinit tar tcpdump tcp_wrappers tcsh telnet termcap time tmpwatch traceroute ttmkfdir tzdata unix2dos unzip up2date usermode usermode-gtk utempter util-linux vconfig vim-common vim-enhanced vim-minimal vim-X11 vixie-cron wget which words Xaw3d XFree86 XFree86-base-fonts XFree86-font-utils XFree86-libs XFree86-libs-data XFree86-Mesa-libGL XFree86-Mesa-libGLU XFree86-tools XFree86-xauth XFree86-xfs xinetd xinitrc ypbind yp-tools yum zip zlib -apmd -finger -hotplug -irda-utils -isdn4k-utils -jwhois -kernel-pcmcia-cs -make -ppp -procmail -rp-pppoe -sendmail -stunnel -talk -usbutils -wireless-tools -wvdial %pre dd if=/dev/zero of=dev/sda bs=512 count=20 sfdisk /dev/sda -D -uM << EOF ,1000,83,* ,2000,82 ,2000,82 ,,E ,1000,83 ,1000,83 ,2000,83 ,3000,83 ,512,83 ,3500,83 ,,83 EOF %post --End ks.cfg--