Gertjan Vinkesteijn wrote:
Richard McLarty wrote:
from a terminal session type "lokkit".
Chalonec Roger wrote:
I'm now using Shorewall. ( I've heard of Guarddog
and a few others which is GUI based.
I'm comfy with SHorewall. So..
I could make the firewall.tar.gz available through vsftp, if I get
that to work... sigh, no problem though But before that that time you
could look at for which I am founder and
moderator, this is, alas, partly in dutch, not the firewall part
though. The principal cvs developments came from my small computer in
Amsterdam. Btw the firewall has been developed by Michael, an engineer
from Delft Technical Universiteit,
I could make this avaible throught ftp in Micro-Soft but then I need to
setup a NMZ and IIS... weird and quite unsafe, so I do not want to do
that. Now I am burning oggs, thus I am running commercial WinAmp for
that, thus I need Win2000 foor, that is a good program for a few
dollars, I hope them guys learn that they can get $$'s from Linux as
well, we in Europe do our best.