Hello Family, I have been following the thread(s) on YUM and downloaded he rpm from http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora/core/1/i386/os/Fedora/RPMS/ and have quite a few dependency requirements, one of them is the need for the library set of "GLIBC_2.3.2" which is needed by "rpm-4.2.1-0.30" which is needed by YUM etc. There are other dependencies there too but you get the idea. Can anyone share the "RedHat-7.3 + YUM" experience with me? I've been down this path before and when there is more than 10 dependencies on a package I rethink my motives and in this case it was that I just wanted to check out how YUM worked for a trial. Thanks -- Bill Schoolcraft PO Box 210076 San Francisco CA 94121 http://billschoolcraft.com