RE: BitTorrent rpm

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: James Drabb [mailto:JDrabb@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
> On Sat, 2004-02-21 at 18:03, Charles Howse wrote:
> > Sooooo..., I uninstalled all that, re-installed the 
> original rpm from 
> >, and ran the command 
> it reccomends from 
> > a shell, and I'm now downloading FC2-test-binary-i386 at 123.7 KB/s.
> Try  It is a great front-end 
> for BT.  
> It can manange multiple .torrent files and makes creating 
> .torrents very
> simple.  It is a Java app so runs on Linx/MS Windows/Mac.  It uses SWT
> for the GUI (same as Eclipse) so it uses your native toolkit
> (GTK+2/Win32) over the (IMO) ugly swing, is fast and light weight.

I'm using Azurues both on Linux and Win. I wouldn't call it
light-weight exactly. it takes a huge foorprint in terms of memory..

Running top

I see 
SIZE = 224M
RSS = 30M
SHARE = 49844 
%MEM = 6.1 % (of my 512MB RAM)

SO.. at 30MB, it's not exactly lightweight. I see bout the same memory
usage in WIndows too.

But hey, I like azureus.

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