There has been a lot of discussion about this on If you search for stories about XOrg and XFree86 in the last month or two, and view comments with a filter set so you only see high-moderated comments, a few of them did a good job of explaining the situation.
On 03/26/2004 03:31 PM, Richard Welty wrote:
On 26 Mar 2004 15:23:04 -0500 Chris A Czerwinski <chrisczerwinski@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Have I missed something? How come XFree86 has been dropped?
or better still can XFree86 run on FC?
the XFree86 folks changed their licensing, which has triggered a fork. XFree86 will seemingly be included in fewer open source projects in the future.
Fedora isn't the only OS that is dropping XFree86 (just as it isn't the only OS that has stuck at MySQL 3 rather than jumping to 4.)