The only way I got my site up was using Custom DNS service from, an addl, mailhop and webhop redirect to a non-standard port on my Linux box. I run http/smtp/ssh/pop3/imap with no problems off a 75MHz P-1 with 96Mb RAM running Fedora core 1 in runlevel 3.
For another $40/mo on top of the $50 I'm paying now, I can get Business Road Runner and get the exact same service except they open up port 80 and 25, but it's more economical to stick with DynDNS at this stage.
Jakarta wrote:
* dalen (dalen@xxxxxxxxxx) on [040325 09:09] thus spake:
You might check if Comcast has other sub ISPs that allow servers. TimeWarner used to only have RoadRunner which disallows servers. Now they also have AOL,, and Earthlink. and Earthlink allow non-commercial servers on residential accounts and do not block ports. I use Earthlink now for this reason.
I believe Road Runner allows non-commercial servers as well. I run http/smtp/ssh/etc. without any problems. They only block samba/netbios at the router level (ports 137-139) but that is because of security issues.
-- Brian Chase Phone: 386-775-5366 2345 Hillside Ave. Fax: 309-276-2048 Orange City, FL 32763 Email: networkr0@xxxxxxxxxx