Being with Windows for quite sometime and just now beginning a linx conversion, I have learned the following: 1. MS has a "closed loop" in terms of the mainstream contributing to windows functionality. If a operating system is used on a large scale wouldn't the consumer be the first person you sought out to help refine the system? Linux keeps everybody on the same page because they are encouraged to submit ideas and problems to consider and solve. It's that hands on type of mentality that gives linux the advantage I think. 2. By nature, linux is more involved but I think it sharpens a person problem solving skills moreso than windows. I like the fact that with linux you must be connect to the process for it to work and those skills can carry through to any other O/S you chose to introduce yourself to. Linux has taught me a attention to detail that would've passed by me otherwise. Now of course this isn't written specifically to degrade windows because computer operation is still uncomfortable for others to learn. Simplicity is a must to accomplish the goal of learning to use computers. Be nice to have that kinda partnership to make these O/S's more agreeable but sadly there is no money in that and since MS powers roughly about 80 percent of our computers, why mess with something that is already profitable?. Thats my take on it and although I might have drifted somewhat from the topic, I think communication is pivitol to any success a person or a group has. I might seem like a pest from someone else's point of view but I've learned so much by just reading the lists and asking a question from time to time and hope you can too. Thanks for the listening ear. ===== Merrill A. Butterman Jr. __________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance Tax Center - File online. File on time.