This problem might not be connected to FC1 so might be OT but maybe somebody has experienced something like this and can give me some suggestions. This concerns a Dell I8200 laptop with a Hitachi DK32EA 60 GB disk with (only) FC1 installed, Grub in the MBR and Ext3 partitions. The last couple of weeks immediately after pressing the poweron button I hear 2 system beeps and get the following message: 'Primary hard drive 0 failure No boot device available No bootable devices' After powering off and then on again (sometimes twice) booting works (though there seems to be a slight 'hesitation' before the grub splash screen appears). Once booted everything appears to work normally. This is a 'smart' disk with smartd running. The logs show nothing suspicious. Extensive control with 'smartcl' also indicates that nothing is wrong with the disk. Could this be a grub problem? Alexander