On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 07:38:52 -0800, Yoo, Gene <Gene.Yoo@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Okay, I'm dealing with installing the VMware tools (yeah off topic) in FC2 test 1 (I know, not the right list, etc, etc) But I cannot for the life of me remember how to change run levels from the command prompt prior to boot. Also, I can't find the location in FC1 or FC2 where to change the run levels from a GUI. Can anyone tell me that?
/etc/inittab change to 3 where it's "5" or whatever runlevel you're at. Don't know about the GUI, "system settings?"
-- Tabhair póg dom, táim Éireannach
Mark Haney Development, Systems and Network Administration DoctorDirectory.com http://www.doctordirectory.com