as I wrote in other messages, as root I've uninstalled Mozilla Firebird and installed Mozilla Thunderbird.
The all system seems work well (even if I still don't understand why I don't have with my openoffice), but when I login as a user I still have the icon of the Firebird on the desktop bar and menu and I don't have access to Thunderbird.
Somewhere - one of the online manuals - I've read that during the process of creating a new user, after the creation or modification of the directories/files /etc/passwd /home/USER /etc/shadow /etc/group /etc/gshadow, copies the default user settings from /etc/skel/ to /home/USER, but in my system this folder seems empty!
Can someone give me some explanation? How can my user have the same root desktop and applications?
Thanks a lot and, please, don't forget that I'm still learning!
Ciao, Nino
============================== (italiano, esperanto, kiswahili, english) (Iniziative di solidarietà per la Tanzania) (Articoli di quotidiani della Tanzania, Corso di lingua swahili, Corso di lingua esperanto, Vocabolario esperanto-italiano, Jifunze lugha ya Kiesperanto, Kamusi ya Kiesperanto)