Hi, I'm trying to convert an HTML page wich have the following sequence to Postscript: Ω but, this simbol simply doesn't apear on the final Postscript, hence, whem I try to print, it doesn't print anything. I've tryed everything: Change the locale of the system, the locale of the browser, the printing settings (by the way, disabling converting to postscript on the printer configuration doesn't allow to print this symbol too), etc, etc, etc... What can I do? Neither I can print the symbol, neither I can see the symbol on a final postscript file. I've tried to convert the HTML page using mozilla. a2ps doesn't work because I don't have netscape installed (have some way to change it to use mozilla instead????).... Thanks.... []'s -- Nelson Guedes Paulo Junior E-mail: <npaulo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> UIN: 2489382 (Tender [:alpha:]*) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eu cavo, tu cavas, ele cava, nós cavamos, vós cavais, eles cavam... Não é bonito, mas é profundo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "A estatística é uma maneira de se torturar os números até que eles confessem!" --------------------------------------------------------------------------------