Mark Limburg wrote: <snip>
Well, I would prefer not to boot to the raw disk, I want to keep booting to the little virtual drive I've already setup. Safer that way, and no issue with activation. Although, I'm running the corporate edition of XP that has no activation ... (shakes head) ... no, I just want to access the 120G XP partition's data and write to that disk if I need to.
I'll so a hunt and see what I can see.
I beleive the trick is to add the user you run VMware XP VM as to the group 'disk'. Then the user has sufficient rights to access the raw partition.
Then you run the VM configuration tool in VMware, and add a disk. Make is a Physical Disk, and use a particular partition.
The only real danger is if the NTFS partition is used while the VM is using it. Since Fedora does not (Out of the box) know anything about mounting NTFS, you should be safe.. If you have NTFS mount capability in your Fedora, just make sure it is not mounted in the Fedora system when you need to access the partition in the VM..
Cheers, Michael