William Hooper wrote:
Jeff Vian said:In some cases you may be correct, However, see http://englishplus.com/grammar/00000132.htm
no :-(rs> "Ricks": More than one Rick rs> "Rick's": Either "owned by Rick" or "Rick is..." rs>
rs> "Rick's": "Rick is..."
rs> "Ricks": "More than one Rick"
rs> "Ricks'": "owned by Rick"
Ricks' would be "owned by Ricks"
Possession is always 's unless the word ends with an s.
To make a *plural* noun *possessive,* simply add an *apostrophe* to the word. If the plural does not end in an *s,* then add an apostrophe plus *s. *
Examples: The girls' dresses (The dresses belonging to the girls.)
The Wilsons' house (The Wilsons live in the house.)
The men's room (Plural does not end in *s.*)