Thanks Rotariu,
I tried disabling the video shadow, but still no go. :v(
Mostly it hangs right after having said something about configuring the APIC timer.
Rotariu Bogdan wrote:
Hello Colin,
I had a problem with a 2.4 SMP kernel on fedora. The problem looked like yours, and i fixed playing @ bios. try to disable in bios the videocard "memory shadow" ram memory shadow and things like this. That fixed my lnx :)
On Mon, 2004-03-08 at 16:29, Colin Burgess wrote:
I can't get SMP up on a dual PIII Coppermine system. It gets only as far as the first boot messages before hanging. Sometimes it gets further than others.
I tried updating to the latest 2.4 SMP kernel via up2date but no help.
I also tried removing the usb controller from the /etc/modules.conf, since that was mentioned in bugzilla.
I'm a linux newbie, so if someone could point out any gotchas that I'm missing I'd appreciate it.
The system has 512Mb of ram, and a ATI Rage 128 Pro video card.
(no problem :D)
-- cburgess@xxxxxxx