Hi to all. I'm sorry, but after installation of perl-5.8.3-10 and mod_perl-1.99_12-2 on FC1, my Apache::asp application and CGI script doesn't work ok, because the vars passed by <input type='hidden'......> aren't passed by form to form. Please, coul'd you help me ? Thaks in advance. Bye Luca Modica -------------------------------- CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE Questo messaggio e' destinato alle sole persone indicate e puo' contenere informazioni riservate. Se ricevuto per errore, si prega di avvisare immediatamente il mittente e cancellare l'originale. Ogni altro uso del messaggio e' vietato! **** This message is for the designated recipient(s) only and may contain privileged, proprietary, or otherwise private information. If you have received it in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the original message. Any other use of the email by you is prohibited! --------------------------------