sreynolds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
The entry looks fine, what are the permissions on the dir that it is being mounted on, and who owns it?Yesterday I installed Fedora on a stand-alone machine at home.
Q1) When I mount my USB flash drive I can only write to the drive as root. I logged in as root and tried to change permissions for all users to RWE (777?), but I get a message that says that I don't have permission to change permissions on the flash drive. I thought root was god, so my wild guess is that there is something wrong with my entry for sda1 in fstab:
/dev/sda1 /mnt/removable auto auto,user,rw 0 0
Is there something wrong with this entry?
Q2) What's the command to change file and directory permissions recursively down through a directory tree.
chmod -R (permissions) dir the R MUST BE CAP (yes there is a difference)
I wouldn't say it has denied you access to the wonderful world of linux, but might limit your use of said. MOST printers made now are WIN-printers like win-modems they are brainless. IE the brains are software driven, and there for need code to work. there are a few drivers being made for these printers... I have no clue about yours, but I know there are projects out there.
Q3) I have a reasonably new Canon LBP-810 laser printer that I can't print to because Fedora doesn't have print drivers for this printer. I've googled for printer drivers, but can't find any. I've googled the problem and it seems Linux cannot support this printer. The only solution that I can find is to run a widows printer server and print through that. This isn't a solution for a single stand-alone machine at home and of course I don't want to network two machines and run two machines just so that I can print.
Is there a solution or has my printer denied me access to the wonderful world of Linux?
look for print drivers and multi-function drivers etc.. Google for your specific printer might not turn up anything, since if the driver is written for 100 printers they will nto list them all.
look for drivers then weed them out if they don't apply. MANY are still only BETA as well.
Hope this info helps. Ghod