>From - Subject: combining internet connections From: Craig Tinson <craig@xxxxxxxxxx> Reply-To: craig@xxxxxxxxxx To: redhat-list@xxxxxxxxxx Content-Type: text/plain Organization: 8010 Media Message-Id: <1077883833.32469.13.camel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> Mime-Version: 1.0 X-Mailer: Ximian Evolution 1.2.2 (1.2.2-5) Date: 27 Feb 2004 12:10:34 +0000 X-Evolution-Transport: smtp://craig@localhost X-Evolution-Account: craig@xxxxxxxxxx X-Evolution-Fcc: imap://craig%408010.co.uk@localhost/INBOX/sent-mail X-Evolution-Format: text/plain Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Evolution-Source: imap://craig%408010.co.uk@localhost/ I was just having a thought... and wondered if anyone had any pointers or even know if this is possible.. I have a 1Mb cable connection.. and am getting a 2Mb DSL line installed in a couple of days.. I was wondering if I can use both connections... from one gateway machine.. and combine them.. effectively have a 3Mb connection.. I know this used to be do-able on dialup connections and ISDN.. but never considered it might be possible on broadband connections too.. Anyone ever done this? or even better have any howto's or docs? TIA Craig