Alexandre Strube wrote:
Em Sáb, 2004-02-28 às 13:03, Marek Pawinski escreveu:
Does mozilla out the box or any other Fedora browser support active x ?
I am having hassles with a site which keeps telling me i need active x
to print. There seem to be mozilla plugins which i can download but i am
not sure which one.
Active X is native windows stuff. You can run it by running microsoft
internet explorer in linux. This is not trivial, though. you have to
1) install wine
2) go to and look at the installation
There are also other programs out there based on wine which will be
simpler to use and install. Look at SuSE Desktop, and see the packages
they use for that. I think they call it something different now, but go
to and click on home user. Then you'll see the three
links, Personal, Professional, and their other offering which is an add
on for windows compatibility. They use two Wine based products which
you can probably find and install for Fedora. Neither of which I
believe are free however.